Campaign OUIGO


picto cibleOrchestrate OUIGO's red wire digital communication and special operations to promote their highlights, on different mix media's formats : social & display

picto cibleAcquisition and retargeting campaigns.


Historically, OUIGO's acquisition campaigns were siloed by objectives and budgets.

In 1 year, our client OUIGO went from 9 campaigns per year + 1 red thread to 4 peak campaigns and one red thread. Its creative costs have been cut by 50%, online times have been optimized, and collaboration between agencies has been smoothed and streamlined.

The highlights cover subjects linked to high-potential, dated communication periods: sales openings, destocking, station openings.

The red thread responds to a standard acquisition scenario, and has the flexibility to be adapted during peak campaigns, where when conditions are right, peak messages take precedence over red thread messages.

picto cible Acquisition: Depending on the user's geolocation, the banner displays an offer departing from the nearest station with a random destination.

picto cible Retargeting: The banner displays the last OUIGO offer (date, departure and arrival city and price) searched for by the web user.

Data used

Advertiser data: routes, prices, dates, wording

DCO banners

picto mégaphone

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